#NoOffense Episode 30 - 3/30/2018
This week on #NoOffense, Adam rejoins the show and it doesn't take long to get crazy. We cover the latest hot teacher scandal, a teacher who actually embraces her freaky side and quits her job to become a dominatrix, Steven Spielberg's feelings toward Netflix, a drunk woman who propositions the Easter bunny, Pornhub giving you free premium based on your sexy location, the Chinese space station on a collision course with Earth, the flat Earth rocket guy blasts off, free range parenting, the Deadpool cartoon gets cancelled, Corey Feldman gets stabbed, John Wick vs Jason Bourne and much more nonsense! This week's featured podcast is The Jock and the Nerd Never miss a new episode, subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Now available on Spotify! Also available on Stitcher, Google Play Music, Podbean! Get interactive in our Facebook Group, we love to hear from you! The #NoOffense Show Community Facebook.com/HTNOS @HTNOS on Twitter @HTNOS on Instagram #PodernFamily #UnderdogPods #PodcastHQ Intro music performed by Alaya www.facebook.com/AlayaOfficial www.basickrecords.com