#NoOffense Episode 29 - The Duchess 3/23/2018
This week on #NoOffense, The Duchess sits in again for Adam and we talk about the new Karate Kid continuation series Cobra Kai, a movie about playing tag and it actually looks good, Chris Pratt's insensitivity to deaf people, #DeleteFacebook, Deadpool 2, Floyd Mayweather to MMA, playing pirate on Xbox in the new Sea of Thieves game, a Loch Ness monster washing up on a beach in Georgia, possible alien invasion next month and the weird voicemail conspiracy surrounding it on Twitter, Dax Shepard joining The Ranch, a woman attacking her boyfriend with a Samurai sword after finding Tinder on his phone and all the HTNOS branded nonsense you've come to expect. We went deep, perhaps a little too deep, but hey that's what we do here! This weeks featured podcast was And The Losers Are Never miss a new episode, subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Now available on Spotify! Also available on Stitcher, Google Play Music, Podbean! Get interactive in our Facebook Group, we love to hear from you! The #NoOffense Show Community Facebook.com/HTNOS @HTNOS on Twitter @HTNOS on Instagram #PodernFamily #UnderdogPods #PodcastHQ Intro music performed by Alaya www.facebook.com/AlayaOfficial www.basickrecords.com