#NoOffense Episode 19 - 1/12/2018
We're getting the band back together! This week we are rejoined by Adam after his brief reprieve and we jump right into it. Chris finally went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi last week so we talk about his thoughts about the movie and how approaching things with crazy expectations will almost always result in disappointment. We get a little into specifics so there are spoilers...theres your warning. We also discuss the latest Hollywood accusations including James Franco being accused, Donald Trump allegedly paying off a former porn star and Al Frankin and his inappropriate photo. We also talk about Oprah's speech at the Golden Globe Awards and her potentially running for president. That said, there's also plenty of the usual nonsense as we welcome Adam back to the show in a beer soaked evening we hope you'll enjoy! Subscribe to us on iTunes! Rate us on iTunes! Also available on Stitcher, Google Play Music, Podbean! Get interactive in our Facebook Group, we love to hear from you! https://www.facebook.com/groups/142088603072856/ Facebook.com/HTNOS @HTNOS on Twitter @HTNOS on Instagram Intro music performed by Alaya www.facebook.com/AlayaOfficial www.basickrecords.com