Alpha Beam with Ernie by Atari

Hello, once again I apologize for the episode being late. Sarah came up with a new way for me to try doing the podcast that I think will be better, I talk about it in this episode. Which is all about Alpha Beam with Ernie, an Atari and Children's Computer Workshop joint. Thank you once again to Preston Stuart for answering a few questions that I had about this game. Coming up next will be Dragonstomper by Starpath, so if you have any thoughts about this game, please sned them to me at by February 13th. Thank you all for being such lovely and supportive friends, and extra special thanks to Sarah, truly without whom this podcast would have been done a long time ago. And as always, thank you for listening.

Alpha Beam on Random Terrain

Alpha Beam on Atari Protos

CCW game series announced in Atari Age magazine

1983 Atari Showcase video

Preston Stuart interview, Electronic Fun March 1983

Ernie on Muppet Wiki

Sesame Street episode 1, November 1969

Into The Vertical Blank tests Alpha Beam on a 2600+

Atari Age thread with Joystick conversions of SS/CCW games

My interview with Papa Pete and Jeff

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