SEO Authority: What is it? Why do I need it? How do I get it?
What is SEO Authority? It means different things to different people. We will be launching a new course on June 15th and with that course we are actually giving away an eBook on this strategy for FREE! In this SEO Author-ity eBook we are going to talk about the different types of authority in the SEO industry and how you can get it. And when we say get it, we are talking about getting published. We cover getting published on Amazon or within other online and industry print publications.Inside the eBook you are also going to get some great insights and tips from some of the best in the Digital Marketing and SEO industry. These include: Matt Diggity, Dino Gomez, Craig Campbell, Holly Starks, Jonathon Kiekbusch, Terry Samuels, Garret Acott and many more to be added!What can you expect to get in the paid course?ADDITIONAL STRATEGIES MORE SELF PUBLISHING OPTIONS GETTING BACKLINKS TO YOUR EBOOK CLIENT REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES HOW TO GET DOFOLLOW BACKLINKS FROM AMAZON SECRET OPTIMIZATION TIPS HOLLY’S METHOD FOR RANKING EBOOKS ON GOOGLESnippits from SEO and Marketing Experts.As a mentor to online coaches who want to scale to 6 and then 7 figures I believe it is important that our clients work diligently to land guest podcast interviews, speaking gigs, contributing articles to media sites, and author or co-author books to help with their perceived authority and gain recognition for their expertise. - Dino GomezAuthority comes in many shapes and sizes, and while there are some nuances between what makes a website an authority vs a person in "the real world", there are equally as many parallels. - Johnathon KiekbuschAuthority, to me, represents “trust” – the trust your potential and current customers have in you because of the strength of your brand. In a sea of aggressive marketers fighting for attention, authority allows your marketing efforts to rise above the crowd, and thus your products and services convert with little or no paid advertisement. - Matt Diggity Backlinks and authority work like just like all other authority in this world; People listen to authority and assign value and importance to it. The more authority that you have, the more it's valued, and the more people listen. On the Internet, this displays as traffic to your website. - Garret AcottSo building authority in the world of Digital Marketing is important, from an SEO point of view we all want that link juice from high authority websites, newspapers, conferences and maybe even from our peers in the industry, these are the key places to build website authority and build up the domain authority that will give you the power to rank a lot of the content on your website. - Craig Campbell Support the show (