Episode #113: Let's Talk People Pleasing | A Solo Episode
The “I Don’t Give A F*ck” mentality that everyone tells you you need to achieve in order to be a badass, confident goddess? It’s Bullsh*t. For the longest time, I have self identified as a people pleaser. At first it was seen pretty exclusively through a negative lens — and in many ways, it was something I *really* struggled with. I gave so much of myself to everyone else that there was nothing left to give myself and I would walk around every day feeling so burnt out & irritated. I unknowingly practiced co-dependency in many of my relationships and rarely got any of my needs or desires met — which led to heartache, resentment and beyond. And I was SO focused on what everyone else thought about me that it led me to years of eating disorder cycles, staying in toxic relationships, staying in the closet around my queerness and my polyamory and beyond. ...just to name a few. In todays episode of the Live Your F*ck Yes Life podcast, I break down what people pleasing really is all about and how it CAN be a superpower of yours — you just have to know what tools to implement so you can fully step out of the darkness and into your unique magic.