Episode #104: Five Years Ago I Hit Rock Bottom And Now I'm Here | A Solo Episode
I had planned an entirely different episode for today and in true Amanda following the gut tugs fashion, I needed to share from the depths of my heart around what this move has shown me about the power of conscious thought shifts, inner work and small simple shifts that brought me from rock bottom to here. 5 years ago, I was: in the depths of a cycle of eating disorders and body dysmorphia having panic attacks weekly working 7 part time jobs and just barely paying my bills just coming off of a move (my last one) that was FILLED with breakdowns and fights with my husband burnt out, overwhelmed and in a perpetual exhaustion cycle On Saturday, I moved into my dream home. A home that 5 years ago, I never imagined I could possibly have no matter where my life took me. This move — something that had it been the me of 5 years ago navigating it — would have brought me to my knees with stress, overwhelm and exhaustion. And instead, I moved through it with ease and light. And on todays episode, I share all about my journey to help illuminate for you how to get unstuck on your own.