Episode #22: Q&A: Morning routine practices, Nutrition, Values systems and more | A Solo Episode
Today's episode is super special to me for a few reasons. For one, I have one of the most important people in my life on the podcast. I had the joy of getting to travel back to Canada for my 10 year high school reunion in June (does anyone else feel like time flies by SO quickly?) and three of my best girlfriends from all areas of the world and I spent the weekend at my lake cottage to start the bon voyage to the boobs celebrations. It was such a magical weekend filled with love, laughter, goofy shiz and I had the honor of having my oldest friend, Caroline, flip the script and interview ME for this edition of our Solo episode series. Caroline and I have known each other for over 15 years and while we have taken super different paths in life, she is hands down the person who knows me better than anyone -- so it felt only natural to have her on the podcast! It's also super special because I chat about a lot of topics that I've never shared about on the podcast before, specifically my journey through high school and where I'm currently at with my nutrition and mindset. Here are a few things we cover in today's episode: Morning routines Some of my must reads and how I choose my personal development books How to ride the waves of life My top 3 personal values at the moment My personal mindset around nutrition and what I think of the trendy diets right now How I healed my eczema The high school me and how it impacted who I am today Breaking free of the "box" and the bucket list life My dream guest to have on the pod