#66: Disney Music Hall of Fame - Ceremony #1 (Part 1)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Pod kicks off its brand-new Disney Music Hall of Fame in this, Part 1 of its Inaugural Induction Ceremony! After a quick review of the Top 100 Disney Songs Countdown, three NEW songs are inducted in Part 1: one from pre-1950, one from the 1950s, and one from 1960. (Songs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000-Present will join them in Part 2). Each new inductee is treated to a detailed history and an in-depth, revelatory analysis. PLUS: Get the scoop on Aaron’s upcoming book, The Thinking Fan’s Guide to Walt Disney World: Magic Kingdom and find out how to preorder it now and get it early! Download a free excerpt from The Thinking Fan's Guide to Walt Disney World: Magic Kingdom here: http://www.intrepidtraveler.com/tfg-excerpt Total runtime – 55 minutes Thanks for listening! Be sure to leave a quick review on iTunes! Find more about the show at the official website: http://www.aaronwallaceonline.com Be sure to listen to Aaron on another fun, unofficial Disney podcast, "The Hub": http://thehubpodcast.com Aaron joins The Disneyland Gazette every week to count down the 51 Disney Animated Classics, continuing into 2013! Send comments, questions, and feedback to podcast@aaronwallaceonline.com -- or call the show's phone line and leave a voicemail! (224) 366-7631 ... that's (224) 366-DOO-POD1 -- You can record yourself on an audio file and email that in too! Follow Aaron and the show on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/aaronspod Please "like" the show's Facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/zipadeedoopod Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Pod is an official member of The Disney Podcast Network. Post at the show forum! http://www.thedpn.com