#52: The Top 100 Disney Songs (#75-51)
ZADDP's countdown of the Top 100 Disney Songs continues with a second set of 25! We start at #75 this time and move all the way down to #51, covering some really amazing songs along the way. Each one is, of course, treated to a little analysis. Total runtime - 1 hour, 37 minutes Thanks for listening! Be sure to leave a quick review on iTunes! Find more about the show at the official website: http://www.aaronwallaceonline.com ZADDP's countdown of The Top 100 Disney songs continues next week! Send in comments on the song(s) of your choice: podcast@aaronwallaceonline.com -- or call the show's phone line and leave a voicemail! (919) 809-7777 Follow Aaron and the show on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/aaronspod Support the show by making a PayPal donation at http://www.aaronwallaceonline.com Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Pod is an official member of The Disney Podcast Network. Post at the show forum! http://www.thedpn.com -- Don't forget DPN Westfest... it's right around the corner!