#51: The Top 100 Disney Songs (#100-76)
ZADDP gears up for its biggest countdown yet -- so big, it takes four episodes to do it! The doors are open to the whole wide world of Disneydom, with nearly a century of songs in competition for the top spot. There are 25 songs in each episode, plus some discussion about every single one of them. We kick things off this week with #100. Let's get it started! Happy Easter! Total runtime - 1 hour, 30 minutes Thanks for listening! Be sure to leave a quick review on iTunes! Find more about the show at the official website: http://www.aaronwallaceonline.com Our countdown of the Top 100 Disney songs continues next week! Send in comments on the song(s) of your choice: podcast@aaronwallaceonline.com -- or call the show's phone line and leave a voicemail! (919) 809-7777 This show is dedicated to my friend Mike, who passed away this month. Check out his blog, filled with movie fun and even some Disney analysis: http://sullyz-world.blogspot.com/ Follow Aaron and the show on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/aaronspod Support the show by donating at http://www.aaronwallaceonline.com Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Pod is an official member of The Disney Podcast Network. Post at the show forum! http://www.thedpn.com -- Don't forget DPN Westfest... it's right around the corner!