The Nick is right 3 times episode. Cashing out points and hurrying vs waiting to get new cards.
Greg and Nick debate whether to cash out points rather than waiting to use them for travel. We also debate whether to sign up for cards now while great offers remain or wait for something better to maybe come along. Timestamps: 1:30: Coronavirus preparation 6:37 Reader feedback: is it time to cash out points? 10:53: How many points are "enough" per passenger before you consider cashing out? 14:38: Are airline miles safe in the current environment? Are there any we should burn right now? 21:54: What will be the impact of hotels in the aftermath of coronavirus? 25:18: Whoops! A disconnection leads to a moment of chatter about how to avoid this in the future. 27:13: Is this a good time to sign up for credit cards? 30:00: Co-brands 30:17: Cash back cards 30:33: Ink Cards 31:24: Nick disagrees: Travel offers won't increase 33:33: Greg agrees that Nick is partially right: Offers may not increase, but we may see the return of "try before you buy" or extra credits and reduced spend requirements. 36:57: Nick disagrees: Cash back offers may increase after all 40:35: Will the Ink no-fee cards see increased offers? 44:30: Where do we stand so far? 47:10: Should we be afraid of points being devalued because of the coronavirus crisis? 53:54: Greg's counter-argument against airline credit cards today. 55:26: Greg challenges Nick's assertion that travel cards are worth considering right now? 55:48: Greg admits that Nick is right. 59:05: Greg disconnects! 1:00:30: The ten second explanation of what Nick said while Greg was disconnected. 1:01:00: Are transferable currency cards worth considering now? One defintiely is! 1:04:50: Question of the week x 2.5. 1:06:00: First of 2.5 questions of the week: what counts as a direct deposit? 1:09:50: Second question of the week: Halfway to the Companion Pass. Abort now or continue? 1:11:26: Nick shows why Greg was totally wrong -- with a little help from Greg! 1:14:25: Related Southwest question: Should those with Southwest points look for ways to cash out now? 1:17:57: Greg admits Nick is right....AGAIN. 1::20:00: Greg needs an intervention about cashing out some points.