Elk at Grand Canyon: Facts and Cautions.
Elk are frequently seen in and around Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. In this Ranger Minute, Park Ranger Haley Bercot shares some interesting facts about this majestic animal. What should one do if they sight an Elk? How close should one get? Can elk be dangerous? Many visitors see large wild animals that seem tame and therefore approach far closer than they should. For safety's sake stay at least 50 feet away from the elk! Never approach wild animals. Photograph all wildlife from the safety of your vehicle. Use telephoto lenses and observe quietly. It is dangerous, and illegal, to feed wild animals in a national park. Violators will be fined. Wildlife can become dependent upon handouts and lose their ability to hunt and forage. Such animals lose their fear of humans. They can become aggressive and bite, kick, or gore. Many are struck by cars while searching for handouts. Help us keep wildlife wild. Never feed or approach wildlife. For more videos about wildlife safety please visit: http://www.nps.gov/yell/photosmultimedia/safetyvideos.htm