ENP: 5.2 Virgin Islands National Park: Park Status Post-Hurricanes
Description: Bryan talks with Acting Superintendent Darrell Echols of Virgin Island National Park about the hurricane damage to the park, recovery efforts, and expected progress in the coming months. The island and people of St. John are resilient. The sentiment of the local community, even if they lost their homes, is positive, “I’m alive. Life is great. I’m very happy.” Discussion includes the following: Status of park as of January 2018 (0:55) Where was park staff during the storms (3:16) Where is park staff now (4:15) How Superintendent Echols ended up in Virgin Islands National Park (6:05) Status of Cinnamon Bay campground (8:50) Accommodations (11:10) Partnering with the community (12:40) Volunteer time to help with recovery (16:25) Greatest loss for the park (19:15) Expected progress in 2018 (20:45) What strikes you about Virgin Islands National Park (23:55) Where to get the latest status updates (28:10) Resources: Kenny Chesney’s Love for Love City benefiting Hurricane Irma Disaster Relief for US and British Virgin Islands https://loveforlovecity.org St. John Community Foundation http://thestjohnfoundation.org Tourism Cares http://www.tourismcares.org Virgin Islands National Park Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/virginislandsNPS/ Virgin Islands National Park https://www.nps.gov/viis/index.htm Friends of Virgin Islands National Park https://www.friendsvinp.org St. John Rescue http://www.stjohnrescue.com United States Virgin Islands Tourism https://www.visitusvi.com/where-to-stay/stjohn U.S. Virgin Islands Special Updates http://www.usviupdate.com Virgin Islands Recovery Journal https://www.nps.gov/viis/learn/viis-hurricane-recovery.htm