Episode 28: Booing Ghosts: My Personal Take on the Paranormal
I’m a guy who digs the ghostly. I love the macabre. I obsessively search out spooky sites and objects like my afterlife depends on it. That means I always find myself in paranormal circles, be they crop, spellcasting, or fairy. I’m constantly absorbing other people’s takes on the paranormal. And I have a take on it, too. Actually, let’s get specific. Ghosts. I have a take on ghosts. Here's the essay version of this topic. My Cursed Objects book is out now! My next book, The Smashed Man of Dread End, is on NetGalley! Want to learn about the oddities I visit in real time? Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Patreon. I also write other spooky books.