Episode 216 - When a Paradigm Shift is Not Enough
In this episode of Living Myth, Michael Meade considers the familiar notion of paradigm shifts as inadequate for envisioning ways to deal with the worldwide crises we all face. Paradigm is an old Greek word that refers to a “pattern or model” and the common usage of paradigm shift involves replacing an old pattern or model with a newer and therefore better one. What began as a theory of how scientific revolutions occur has for the past fifty years been applied to everything from social movements and business plans, to education, ecology and beyond. What has typically been overlooked is that the inspiration for the theory paradigm shifts came from psychological studies of growth spurts in children. Meade turns the consideration of cultural change back to depth psychology and mythology where another old Greek word can bring a greater sense of imagination to modern crises. Archetype, like paradigm, refers to patterns and models. However, archetypes are the original patterns from which all subsequent models derive; as such they can have a powerful effect on human thinking, beliefs and behaviors. Whereas the sense of a paradigm shift would simply have the old be replaced with the new, the deeper sense of archetype involves new patterns arising from the ancient and original sources of creation. When activated, archetypes connect the ancient and universal forces of life with the immediate issues of the world. When transformation is needed at all levels of nature and culture, it is time to tap back into the endless potential of the origins of life in order to truly change things going forward. Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can hear Michael Meade speak more about archetypes and inner sources of renewal, by joining his ongoing live series “Hidden Abundance” that continues this Friday, Feb. 26. Register and learn more at mosaicvoices.org/events. You can save 30% on this series, receive additional podcast episodes and further support this podcast by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. Learn more and join this community of listeners at patreon.com/livingmyth. As always, you can also support this podcast by leaving a review on iTunes and sharing it with your friends.