Episode 209 - The Darkness Around Us
“An old psychological idea states that if we do not consciously face our inner conflicts, then those conflicts will be lived out in the world as fate.” Michael Meade considers the recent riot in the nation’s capital, the fragility of our institutions and the growing tragedy of coronavirus fatalities as elements of a collective fate that we must witness. If many of the roots of our collective conflicts and traumas can be traced through history, Meade proposes that the way to both survive the current disorders and help heal our many wounds requires turning to mythology for wisdom and guiding images. This episode of Living Myth ends with an appeal from a wise American poet: “…though we could fool each other. We should consider less the parade of our mutual lives gets completely lost in the dark. It is important for awake people to stay awake, or a breaking line may discourage us all back to sleep. The signals we give each other yes, no, or maybe should be clear. For the darkness around us is deep.” Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can further support this podcast by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. Members have access to the full archives of over 285 episodes, receive a 30% discount on all live events, courses and products and receive 3 bonus episodes each month, including regular live QaA events with Michael Meade. You can learn more and become a member at patreon.com/livingmyth. On behalf of all of us at Mosaic, we wish you the touch of grace, the sense of gratitude and shared moments of wholeness in this new year. We are grateful for the work you do in the world and for your interest in and support of our work.