Episode 202 - Where Denial Divides, Grief Unites
This episode begins with the anguish of a caring nurse tending to a person dying of Covid-19 who continues to deny, while at death’s very door, that the pandemic even exists. “This is tragic in ways that we couldn't anticipate,” Michael Meade laments. “This is tragedy of a different order, a combination of blind belief and life-draining denial.” No wonder that many ask how we can ever find healing when people increasingly believe that they live in different worlds? Using a combination of ancient ideas and cogent poems, Meade addresses the issues of deadly denial and hidden grief in America and the spiritual, emotional chasm that continues to divide the country in half. “If everyone would acknowledge the loss and the grief that is under the surface of the conflict, hatred and division, there could be a melting of all that polarizes, denies and rejects. There would be a falling into the depths of humanity, where sorrow, grief and tears can wash away those things that are deadly and need to be relinquished. We might then realize how much we are all in this together, not in some naive way, but in the old way of understanding that we are all walking the road of life and death together.” Ultimately, grief turns out to be a vital element in life, a form of inner medicine that not only shapes the heart, but also opens it and makes us more genuinely human. Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can hear Michael Meade live by joining his upcoming live series that will begin on Friday, Dec. 4. Info and registration will be announced in the next few days. You can further support this podcast by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. Members have access to the full archives of over 280 episodes, receive a 30% discount on all live events, courses and products and receive 3 bonus episodes each month, including regular live QaA events with Michael Meade. You can learn more and become a member at patreon.com/livingmyth. You can also support this podcast by leaving a review on iTunes and sharing it with your friends.