Episode 197 - In Dire Straits
We live in a time when seemingly all possible conflicts and oppositions come crashing all around us. Each day leaves us more exposed to raw emotions and rocked by the harsh energies of life. The tragedies and calamities of this era leave us in the lurch of history as antagonisms harden into stone and life seems increasingly stuck. In order to imagine ways to pass through the dire straits of these troubled times, Michael Meade turns to ancient myths which can offer a third way to see when we find ourselves caught between opposing ideas and hardened ideologies. The old myth of Jason and the Argonauts includes the quest to recover the Golden Fleece, the symbol of justice, authentic authority and balance needed to bring peace back to the world. The tale also involves facing the famous obstacle of the clashing rocks that represent the danger of being crushed between the rocks and the hard places. The story illustrates that some greater imagination must be found, and something must be consciously sacrificed, or else more people will become unconsciously and unnecessarily sacrificed. You can hear Michael Meade live by joining his new 3-part series “Inner Wisdom: Finding Healing in a Divided World” that continues through Friday, October 23rd. Register and learn more at mosaicvoices.org/events Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can further support this podcast by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. Members have access to the full archives of over 270 episodes, receive a 30% discount on all live events, courses and products and receive 3 bonus episodes each month, including regular live QaA events with Michael Meade. You can learn more and become a member at patreon.com/livingmyth.