Episode 196 - The Power to Change
Michael Meade takes up the theme of the little-self and the deeper self as way of understanding why people misuse power and what keeps people from changing. Meade uses the behavior of Donald Trump as a classic example of a person deluded by grandiosity and self-importance, while also being trapped by the shell and the spell of the little-self. “Fearful of being proven empty inside, the little-self tends to become more and more tyrannical as the anxiety of being exposed as a fraud grows greater and greater.” By contrast, the deeper self within each person is the source of genuine strength, which naturally includes a capacity for empathy and compassion for the suffering of others. It is the deeper self within us that has the power to truly change and in times of crisis it tries to help us to rise to the occasion. When this truly knowing self takes charge, we find inner resources that could never be tapped by the little-self. At the same time, a surprising sense of peace can be experienced even in the midst of unsettling or chaotic circumstances. You can hear Michael Meade speak more about the little self and the deep self as part of his new 3-part series “Inner Wisdom: Finding Healing in a Divided World” that begins on Friday, October 9th. Register and learn more at mosaicvoices.org/events Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can further support this podcast by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. Members have access to the full archives of over 270 episodes, receive a 30% discount on all live events, courses and products and receive 3 bonus episodes each month, including regular live QaA events with Michael Meade. You can learn more and become a members at patreon.com/livingmyth. You can also support this podcast by leaving a review on iTunes and sharing it with your friends.