Episode 192 - Three Pieces of Wisdom
Unlike religious narratives or scientific theories, folk myths don't require that we believe in them. They simply prefer that we continue to learn from them. Sometimes, the ancient wisdom needed for surviving and transforming our lives comes in the form of animals. This episode of Living Myth centers upon an old teaching tale about how a wise fish, a half-wise fish and one who is simply unwise deal with the nets intended to entrap them. Amidst a consideration of all the current crises that can entrap and incapacitate us, a bird appears with three pieces of wisdom about avoiding being trapped by the past as well as being caught in present fears and dangers. Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can hear Michael Meade live by joining his next online series that will begin on October 9. Series info and registration will be announced next week. You can support the podcast and receive additional content each month by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. A big thank you to everyone who has joined this growing community of supporters. Members receive 3 bonus episodes each month, including regular live QaA events, the full podcast archives of over 265 episodes and a 30% discount on all products, courses and live online events. Learn more and subscribe at patreon.com/livingmyth. You can further support this podcast by leaving a review on iTunes and sharing it with your friends.