Episode 191 - The Power of Words
This episode begins with an old teaching story that depicts how words spoken in a crisis can have a healing effect or else generate anger and division. Michael Meade points out that the original meaning of the Greek word crisis referred to a turning point in a disease that could signify a change for the better or for the worse. Turning to the language of the ancient Greek tragedies, Meade describes the psychological function of educating everyone on how chaotic and deadly forces can be unleashed, and “all hell break loose”, when violence and injustice become intensified by great hubris or narcissism on the part of self-important leaders. In terms of the epidemic of violence in the U.S., we are in a critical condition and at such a turning point. Words have power and the words of those in positions of power can make the crisis more deadly, when the opportunity for healing is also present and just as possible. Thank you for listening to and supporting this podcast. You can hear Michael Meade live by joining his next online series that will begin in early October. Series info and registration will be announced in mid-September. You can support the podcast and receive additional content each month by becoming a member of Living Myth Premium. A big thank you to everyone who has joined this growing community of supporters. Members receive 3 bonus episodes each month, including regular live QaA events, the full podcast archives of over 260 episodes and a 30% discount on all products, courses and live online events. Learn more and subscribe at patreon.com/livingmyth. You can further support this podcast by leaving a review on iTunes and sharing it with your friends.