Up Close and Personal with Ebi of @NurseLifeRN, Part 2
In part 2 of Up Close and Personal with Ebi of @NurseLifeRN, Katie and Ebi talk about his bad decisions, what lessons he’s learned from them, and how they have empowered his growth and helped him create one of the most powerful platforms for the nursing and healthcare community on social media. In addition, they'll dive into current issues in the world of graduate school programs and nursing, as well as some little known facts about Katie Duke and the man behind the @NurselifeRN page. Connect with Ebi: Website - https://nursespeak.com/nurselifern-merch Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nurselifern/?hl=en Connect with Katie: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thekatieduke Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thekatieduke Website - https://www.katiedukeonline.com Submit your 'Bad Decisions' for a chance to be on the show at baddecisionspodcast.com