The Power of Servitization: Transforming Manufacturing
Guest Details - Paddy Dwyer - Legal Director - DLA PiperPaddy is the Legal Director for DLA Piper with a focus on the technology and manufacturing sectorsTopics Discussed -Servitization involves bundling services with products to provide solutions or outcomes to customersOffers predictable revenue streams and builds long-term relationships with customersPotential barriersMitigating the risks of servitized # engineering #recruitment #executivesearch #ManufactureLeaders #EngineerExecs #LeadersInIndustry #MfgTalentSearch #ExecEngagePodcast #LeadershipRecruit #TechMindsRecruit #MfgLeadersPod #ExecInsightsHub #IndustryMindsTalk #LeadInTech #MfgManagementMoves #EngageExecs #MfgLeadershipSpotlight #TalentTechTalk #ExecSearchHub #EngineeringMindsPod #LeadInManufacture #ExecSpotlightShow #MfgRecruitInsider