HBM025: The Sasquatch of Pumpkintown VS Motley Crue Jon Bon Jovi
Homemade Bigfoot costumes can get you in a lot of trouble. And in gun-toting community of Pumpkintown, SC, a fake Bigfoot costume might get you killed too. But when the recession caused a local outfitter’s store sales to sag, it was a risk he was willing to take. In the episode, Ben Becker tells the story of a disgusting hound dog named “Motley Crue John Bon Jovi”, a tobacco-juice soaked Sasquatch suit, and the world’s worst hot sauce. Sharp listeners should note that no one fact-checked a single claim in this story. Wait, actually, we did look up Pumpkintown on Google Maps. It’s a real place. Use discretion before you use anything else in your term paper. Music from: Flowerpetal Downpour ||| Lucky Dragons ||| Nym ||| Swamp Dog Hey! Review HBM on iTunes! And like us on Facebook!