How I Went from Zero to Half A Million In My First Year of Business | 2019 Year In Review
Truth be told, it’s really thanks to social media where I’ve been able to have the business that I have right now. Today, I have a multiple six figure business and we’re going to hit 7-figures this year. The craziest part is that ALL of this happened in one year alone, which is insane. So how did a lost millennial who just quit her cushy 65K/year head office corporate job, turned struggling Youtuber and coffee barista, suddenly become a multiple 6-figure earner and entrepreneur? Today’s episode on the Turn Your Followers Podcast, we break down month by month how I did in 2019, the actions I took, struggles I faced, my multiple revenue streams, PLUS the top three biggest expenses in my business. Sign up for the free masterclass: SHOW NOTES: TURN YOUR FOLLOWERS INTO CLIENTS COMMUNITY: FOLLOW VANESSA ON INSTAGRAM: