Kelly, Don't Pet the Devil Monkey
Episode 15: In this episode we talk with Aaron David and Kelly from the Charm the Water podcast. Aaron and Kelly talked about some strange things going on around their house during a recent Charm the Water episode. Some of the things they were describing set off some alarms for us and made us think: they are going to have a cryptid sighting soon. Not long after, we saw Aaron post on Facebook that they had seen a cryptid creature. We immediately asked them to come on Strange Familiars. We talk about Charm the Water, occult spirituality, magic, and more. We also discuss their cryptid sighting and how it may be connected with the occult. Timothy and James also give some hints about some of the things they are experiencing at Site 7 - an area we will talk a lot more about in the future. If you would like to help us continue to make Strange Familiars, get bonus content, t-shirts, stickers, and more rewards, you can become a patron: Episode 15 notes and links: Charm the Water: Sarada: Michael Anderson: Contact us via email at: instagram: @strangefamiliars Intro and background music by Stone Breath – which is Timothy’s band. You can find more at The song which closes the episode is Witch Tree Prophetess from the Stone Breath album, Witch Tree Prophets. Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy a Opt-Out: