J1ST 097: Novenas
Hey Friends! Before we dive into this week's topic, two quick announcements! One: We will NOT be releasing a new episode next weekend. We're taking a week off for Thanksgiving. BUT (two), we will be back the First Sunday of ADVENT with the first episode of our book study series! The book we're reading is Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe. You can snag it right here! This week, we're discussing another one of those Special Catholic Things: Novenas. What is a novena? Where do we get the tradition? Do I have to start a novena on a particular day (like do the dates matter)? The root of the word "novena' is Latin for nine. The original novena was prayed by the apostles and Our Blessed Mother as they waited for the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. From there, novenas have been composed to many of our Saints and for many of our Feast Days (Christ the King, for example). Usually, a novena is prayed leading up to the Saint's feast day so that the ninth day of the novena is either the eve of or the actual feast day, but you can begin a novena whenever you'd like! Pray More Novenas is our favorite go-to for all things novenas and they have a great FAQ page that you can check out and learn even more about our Church's awesome form of prayer. They also offer a FREE novena reminder service via your email. The prayers of whatever novena is currently "going on" will be sent to your email as a daily reminder. It is So Cool. One thing that is important to remember about novenas... it can be tempting to believe that God can't possibly respond 'No' or 'Not right Now' to your novena prayers, but the fact is, He often does. A novena isn't a magic formula for a 'Yes' and we are powerless to make demands or attempt to control God. Sometimes, prayers are answered in a way that is not immediately apparent or more subtle than what we were expecting. It could be a change of heart, renewed energy, or inspiration to pursue something different. In this episode, we both share an intention that is near and dear to our hearts right now. We also ask that you share your intentions with us. It would be an honor to carry your intentions to our Lady and our Lord. Just email Nancy at nancy@dosmallthingswithlove.com and she will pass everything onto Katie so we can both be praying for YOU. Your sisters in the small things, Nancy and Katie Mentioned in this episode: Advent book study of Interior Freedom Pray more Novenas Katie's new devotional for Catholic Women facing Infertility (15% off all November) Flying Novenas ala Mother Teresa St. Andrew's Christmas Novena