J1ST 065: Love
Hey there friends! Well, we've made it. Today I am sharing with you the final installment in the virtues of the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary. Today I'm talking about the 5th sorrowful mystery, the Crucifixion, and how the virtue assigned to this mystery is Love. I have to be honest, I felt totally intimated recording this episode. It just felt crazy that I, little old Nancy, was going to speak about the meaning of the crucifixion and attempt to put it into human terms that we can imitated. If you listen in you will hear this nervousness, and please, if you have something to add to what I share here, send it to me! There are so many wise women in this community! As just a quick reminder, I did not dream up the idea of assigning a virtue to each mystery of the rosary--I'm just promoting something taught by many great saints included St. Padre Pio, St. John Paul II and St. Mother Teresa. It my hope that this series gives you lots to think about as you pray your daily rosary. I love mediating on the virtues as I pray--and if you would like a tool to help you reflect a bit more, I encourage you to download and use a set of FREE coloring pages, one for each mystery of the rosary. They are full of powerful quotes from the saints on each of the virtues. Find them here: https://www.dosmallthingswithlove.com/virtue. In this episode I talk about the following points: Real love requires completely abandoning ourselves. JPII called this sort of love "gift of self in love". This is the type of love that marriage demands. We can only love ourselves without become selfish and love our neighbor without loosing ourselves when we love with the Love of God. I mentioned a few links in this episode, and here they are: All of these virtues, along with beautiful paintings, reflections and prayers can be found in my Rosary Book. If you are looking for a beautiful academic planner, check out my Marian Themed Planner. It is on sale now. Make sure to download the free coloring pagesthat will help you remember and engage with the virtues of the Rosary. Thanks, as always, for being here! Your sister in the small things, Nancy