J1ST 056: Wonder and Awe
Hey there! Before I jump into it, today's podcast is sponsored by an INCREDIBLE Catholic Company: TINY SAINTS! Tiny Saints offers the most incredibly cute and meaningful images of the saints imaginable. Seriously, head to their website and check it out. They offer these saints as charms, rosaries and board books AND they are offering all Just One Small Thing Podcast Listeners 20% off their purchase with the code ONESMALLTHING. The code is good now through 8-8-18. The reason I decided to work with this company is because when I shared this picture of my planner and a Tiny Saints Rosary, many of you guys went totally nuts! And I get it. Tiny Saints are adorable--and so amazing in the way they depict the saints! So, please, consider supporting this great Catholic Company. And, make sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagrambecause, rumor has it, they will be releasing some exciting new products soon. I'm excited to share with you another reflection on the virtues of the rosary. Today we are discussing Wonder and Awe as the virtue for the 4th Luminous Mystery, the Transfiguration. I have always loved pondering the Transfiguration. I love the idea that what we see is not all there is to see. I also love to put myself in the shoes of those disciples there on Mt. Tabor that day. They must have been AMAZED! Sure, they really liked Jesus and were willing to follow him...but to see him transfigured and talking to the superstars from the Jewish faith...well that's something else entirely. What I loved, however, as I researched this virtue, is that wonder and awe is something we also need to strive for in our faith. Sure, the disciples probably experienced a surge of emotion when they saw Jesus transfigured, but by-and-large, wonder and awe are not emotions. Nope, living a life with wonder and awe is a conscious choice--and one we need to make every day. The two great enemies of wonder and awe that we do battle with each and every day are commonality and distraction. We have the habit of thinking that something that is common--something that we see often--is therefore unremarkable. This applies most clearly to the Eucharist. It can be hard to REALLY have the correct amount of wonder and awe each and every time we attend Mass, but really, is seeing the host raised up in the priest's hands all that different from what the disciples witnessed on the mountain? Distraction also robs us of wonder and awe. When we spend so much time entertaining and distracting ourselves, we lose time to really sit and ponder and marvel at the Lord--which is something our relationship with Him demands. Again, I hope that what I share here is helpful as you pray your way through the Luminous Mysteries. Here are a few of the links mentioned in this episode If you have yet to, take a minute to check my new Marian Themed Academic Planner. It is on sale right now. You can find all of these virtues along with beautiful art, verses and reflections in my Rosary Book. Download, print and color Virtues of the Rosary Coloring Pages. They are completely free. Once again, please consider supporting the amazing sponsor for this episode, Tiny Saints, by visiting their website and using the code ONESMALLTHING to receive 20% off of your purchase. Your sister in the small things, Nancy