J1ST 049: Detachment from the World

  Hey there my friends! Today we are continuing on with our little Virtues of the Rosaryseries on the Just One Small Thing Podcast. I love doing series, especially powerful series like this one that not only digs deep into the virtuous life we are all called to, but also offers real material for us all as we pray the Rosary--or at least that is my hope! Today we are tackling the 3rd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, The Nativity. The virtue for this mystery is DETACHMENT FROM THE WORLD. Gulp, I know. The basic idea behind this virtue is that we need to WORK to remain detached from what this world tells us is important (namely, honor, wealth, comfort, praise and vain pleasures). Instead we need to connect ourselves with the NEXT world. We need to grow in relationship with Christ and His mother and make sure that our heart is there, not here. We are called to remain detached from this world because that is exactly how Christ lived--shown most powerfully through His humble birth in a cave surrounded by animals. His birth was neither comfortable nor honorable, and He died in a shameful, friendless way. According to this world he was a failure. While, as we know, in reality He is the Lord of the Universe.  And we are called to follow His holy example. Motherhood always plays a big part in the discussion of this virtue. It is the virtue linked to the moment of Christ's birth, afterall. In this episode I discuss what can often happen to women when they turn their back on the call to Motherhood--whether that be actual physical motherhood or spiritual motherhood, and how motherhood is one of the most powerful ways to experience that we were not created for this world, but for the next. Finally, I offer two simple ideas for working to live out the virtue of detachment from the world every day: Frequently evaluate your motivations. Are you pursuing the right things? Do you friendships grow out of love? Is your career more than a quest for prestige? Beg God, EVERYDAY, to free you from the bonds of this world. Pray that you might be free from the desires of the flesh and the manic quest for things and honor of this world. Links mentioned in this episode: You can find all of these virtues as well as scripture, reflections and mediations in my little Rosary Book.  Download and print these 20 FREE coloring pagesdepicting and helping you reflect on the virtues of the Rosary. Thank you, as always, for being here! Your sister in the small things, Nancy

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