J1ST 047: Choosing Joy
Hey friends! Today I'm excited to kick off another series on the podcast. I has so much fun (and got such a good response) doing the Lenten Series that I've decided to spend the next several weeks looking at virtues. I debated for a while where to get these virtues from. I ultimately decided to reflect on the virtues commonly assigned to the mysteries of the Rosary. Now, there is no "official" set of virtues for the decades of the Rosary. Some incredible saints, including St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Pope St. John Paul II, and St. Padre Pio, have written Rosary devotions that assigned a virtue to each decade. While creating my ROSARY BOOKLET I refer to all of these devotionals. I have found it to be VERY powerful to reflect on a virtue while praying each decade of the Rosary. Reflecting on that virtue has helped me understand Mary and Jesus better. Reflecting on the virtue has also helped me apply this mystery to my own life in real and powerful ways. Today's episode starts with the First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation. The virtue for this mystery is JOY. Major topics discussed in this episode include the difference between Joy and Happiness, the complex joy of Mary at the annunciation and why joy, and not happiness, can still be present during times of great pain and loss. Here are a few links: FREE set of 20 coloring pages to help you reflect on the Virtues of the Rosary: https://www.dosmallthingswithlove.com/virtue Find my ROSARY BOOKLET Here. Here is a reflection I wrote on Choosing Joy as Mothers. One of the most beautiful pronouncements of joy is found in the Magnificat. Here is a free coloring page for adults with the words of the Magnificat. Thank you for being here! And please, be joyful! We are made for heaven and redeemed by the blood of our Savior! Your sister in the small things,