J1ST 041: The Call to Holiness
Hey there! Today I am, once again, proving that I have no fear. I am tackling a BIG topic: holiness. Why am I tackling this topic? Because I'm perfect? Because I have some sort of saintly-insight to share with you? Nope. I'm talking about holiness because I too am a sinner, but, like all of you, I am called to holiness. The call to holiness is universal. The spiritual journey is THE MOST IMPORTANT journey and work of our lives. Therefore, let's see if we can walk a bit of the way together. Here are some of the things I cover in this podcast episode: What is Holiness? What WRONG assumptions might we have that will actually keep us from making any progress toward holiness? The need to be like children in our faith 10 practices that will open us up more and more to holiness: Become Small Spend at least 10 minutes in prayer each day. Regularly receive Jesus in the Eucharist Read Sacred Scripture Read Catholic Literature Grow closer to Mary and the Saints Follow a structured formation process Regularly attend confession Be part of a supportive community Stay focused on the call to holiness How we actually make progress on this spiritual journey The Ripple Effect that we can expect to enjoy if we actual strive for holiness, one that will touch every part of our lives, our families and the whole world. If you are looking to dig deeper into these topics, I encourage you to check out Called to be Holyby Cardinal Timothy Dolan. As I mentioned at the end of this podcast, I am starting a community called The Small Things Community. The community is for Catholic Married women and for $11 a month you will enjoy: A new video-based eCourse each month, which focuses on a key part of our faith. A well run, distraction-free community and on-line forum A monthly LIVE book club. FREE access to all of my digital products 50% off all printed products I sell now and those I will offer in the future. To find out more about the community, head here: http://www.dosmallthingswithlove.com/2018/04/new-direction.html Also, since there is a LOT of information in this podcast episode, you can also WATCH this same information as I present it in the video below. https://vimeo.com/263615302/b1cc8b8d3d Your sister in Christ, Nancy