033: Fusing Comedy And Cartoons With Alex Clark
033: Fusing Comedy And Cartoons With Alex Clark In this episode, we chat with Alex Clark from the itsAlexClark YouTube Channel. He is a juggler/comedian/full-time YouTuber! If you are in need of a good laugh and some YouTube strategy this is the episode for you. Alex talks about how he got into creating YouTube content, as well as the strategies behind building a successful YouTube channel. Links Discussed In This Episode Canon 70D – A Fantastic Camera at a great price. TubeBuddy – A tool that makes your YouTube Life EASIER and Helps grow your channel. AudioBlocks – A Fantastic Resource for royalty free music. Adobe Premiere – The video editing software that Vinny uses for all of his videos. Screenflow — A fantastic Screen Recording software for mac to create beautiful screencast videos. Adobe Audition — Audio editing software. Connect With Alex Here Social: YouTube — Instagram — Twitter Support The YouTube Creators Hub Podcast Here: If this podcast is bringing you value SUPPORT THE SHOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: TubeBuddy – A tool that makes your YouTube Life EASIER and Helps grow your channel. Patreon – Get Your Channel Featured On The Show AND Acess to an exclusive YouTube Creators Facebook Group Audio Blocks – Sign up for $99 PER YEAR for great audio to use in your content. Bluehost – If you need a website use this link to get a free Domain Name and a great deal on hosting.