YTCH Quick Tip 001: All About YouTube Networks
In the first ever YouTube Creators Hub quick tip session we talk about YouTube Networks. We talk about the pros and cons of joining a YouTuibe network AND what the benefits will be for your YouTube Channel. If you are thinking about joining a YouTube network I would recommend listening to this session before you make your decision. Popular YouTube Networks: Maker Studios --- Fullscreen --- Machinima Support The YouTube Creators Hub Podcast Here: If this podcast is bringing you value SUPPORT THE SHOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Patreon – Get Your Channel Featured On The Show AND Acess to an exclusive YouTube Creators Facebook Group Audible – Sign up for Audible and get a FREE Audiobook Using our link Audio Blocks – Sign up for $99 PER YEAR for great audio to use in your content. Bluehost – If you need a website use this link to get a free Domain Name and a great deal on hosting.