YTCH Episode 017 - Thumbnails Matter With Todd Deering From SSL Dad
In this week's episode, we chat with Todd Deering from the SSL Family Dad YouTube Channel. Todd Deering runs the SSL Family Dad YouTube Channel has been on YouTube for over 2 years. The channel is all about living sustainably and doing things yourself. All about saving money and doing things yourself. Getting back to your roots. Todd and I discuss the Amazon Affiliate program and how to think outside of the box and diversifying your income streams with your online content. Links Mentioned In This Episode: Amazon Associates Program - A fantastic program to use to suggest products to your audience and receive a commission. PicMonkey - A free site that allows you to create great looking video thumbnails. Connect With Todd Here: Subscribe To The SSL Family Dad YouTube Channel Social: Facebook --- Twitter --- Instagram Support The YouTube Creators Hub Podcast Here: If this podcast is bringing you value SUPPORT THE SHOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Patreon – Get Your Channel Featured On The Show AND Acess to an exclusive YouTube Creators Facebook Group Audible – Sign up for Audible and get a FREE Audiobook Using our link Audio Blocks – Sign up for $99 PER YEAR for great audio to use in your content. Bluehost - If you need a website use this link to get a free Domain Name and a great deal on hosting.