Is Passing JEE Mains Enough!: Divya's Journey: Learning and Growing in Kota #19
Feb 18, 2024Join us in the next episode of "Seeking Solutions with Saavi" as we delve into Divya's journey as a JEE aspirant in Kota. She came to Kota, when she was 16- a tender age of challenge and aspirations. She hails from Delhi, so off course Kota wasn't intimidating for her- but here share of tests, did come her way. Through her heartfelt story, we explore the highs and lows, the challenges and triumphs of preparing for one of the toughest exams in India during unprecedented times. Despite her sincere efforts and the support of her family, Divya's path to the IITs didn't go as planned, but her resilience and determination shine through. In this candid conversation, Divya reflects on the small moments where she could've done better and shares her insights on navigating setbacks with grace and strength. Tune in to discover the real stories behind the journey to success, and find inspiration in Divya's resilience and courage.#SeekingSolutions #JourneyOfResilience #KotaDiaries #StudentLife #JEEPreparation #EmotionalWellbeing #OvercomingSetbacks #LearningAndGrowing #PodcastJourney #InspiringStories #HeartfeltConversations #Kota #KotaStudentslife #ChallengesKota, the coaching hub of India is known for its NEET and JEE preparation. Dive into 'Seeking Solutions with RJ Saavi,' where we explore the diverse struggles and triumphs of individuals from various walks of life in Kota. Uncover emotional issues and seek pathways to happiness with insights from students, teachers, parents, doctors, engineers, house helps, street vendors, and more. Subscribe for stories that resonate, insights that empower, and solutions that transform. Saavi has been a Radio Jockey for around 13 years and in the field of audio for more than 15 years. She also holds a radio record for 1000 episodes on air without any holiday.–Rj SaaviPodcast HostVideo Podcast ChannelInstagram/rj_saavi