Michelle Vos: Business and Branding Coach and Creator of Be365 – 059
Today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Michelle Vos is a perfect guest to join us on this Summer Solstice week! She's soulful, spiritually guided and so full of wisdom! Michelle and I have known this for some time. We love to get together over a cup and jam on our passion for doing business in a different way! I always leave these conversations feeling jazzed and I think you will fill into this today! We have a passion for creating business that is in the flow and not in the hustle. As she shares in the interview, Michelle believes that you do not need a break down in order to have a break thru, but instead she chooses ease and grace and flow vs. struggle. She acknowledges that growing your business takes effort and focus BUT it can be way easier if you show up differently. It’s all about being energetically aligned with what you want. When you devote time and energy to what matters most to you, the universe aligns to meet you. She shares her story of how she really listened to the answers that came to her in a journaling exercise back in 2008, and dramatically shifted what she was doing in her profession. She courageously stepped into doing things she had never done before because she trusted the wisdom the Universe flowed to her. It's a brilliant story and it took her down her own pathway to her purpose. Michelle also shares her work around the Twelve Energetic Relationships that we can incorporate into our lives to play with the energy of the Universe and Source in our life. It's good stuff! Michelle is a Business and Branding coach who marries strategy and spirituality. She is the founder and creator of the Be365 Body of Work, The creator of The Authentic Signature Style and Vision Process. As I look at all Michelle stands for – I catch myself saying… Yes… Yes… Yes!!! And today she shares some of her brilliant teachings on how you can manifest more in your life! I am thrilled to introduce you to Michelle and all her wonderful wisdom. Let’s meet Michelle Vos! To learn more about Michelle, visit her on her web site or follow her on Facebook or Instagram.