Hope Zvara: Mindfulness and Lifestyle Expert Focused on Pillars of Breath, Body and Belief – 056
Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio interview with Hope Zvara, is so good. Hope is a mindfulness and lifestyle expert, a best selling author, and a motivational speaker who empowers individuals with her personal stories. And her stories are powerful. I can promise you - you will be moved. This may be my first podcast interview that I have ended up in tears. Her stories are truly heart touching, and it is within these stories, as Hope shares – that yoga found her – and transformed her life to finding her purpose. The pillars of Hope's mission are Breath, Body, and Belief. In our interview today, Hope shares her wisdom on how the mind operates, how the body works, and how our beliefs can affect our mental health and our wellness overall – and the success we find in life. I think Hope and I were meant to meet, and in the midst of this interview the idea drops in that we should be planning a retreat together, and I’m just going to say I’m all in! We’re so aligned in so many ways – even our written purpose – which I’ll leave as a surprise to come out in the interview. Some of the key insights Hope shares includes: Breath is the first thing your given in life and the last to be taken away and you only get one life Whatever your next thing is, just do it, get out there and do it Turn off headphones and walk each day Ideas come better if you slow down and listen, let nature in Step out but also step inward You can learn more about Hope and her work on her website or follow her on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. So let’s jump and meet the fabulous Hope Zvara!