Gail Schoettler: 2018 Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Inductee and former U.S. Ambassador, Colorado’s Lt. Governor and State Treasurer – 046

Today, I’m honored to bring you the sixth and final contemporary 2018 Inductee to the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame: Gail Schoettler.  It’s a great interview and just in time for the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Induction Gala this coming Wednesday, March 28! Dr. Gail Schoettler has been a U.S. Ambassador, Colorado’s Lt. Governor and State Treasurer, Douglas County school board president, and a successful businesswoman. She narrowly lost her race for governor of Colorado in 1998. That was the same year Dottie Lamm ran for US Senate. Since that time, not a single woman has run for governor or US senate in Colorado until this year... Listen to what Gail has to say about this. It's a great interview. I think this is going to change. As I was preparing for this interview, I ran into this statistic... "During the full 2016 election cycle 920 women contacted EMILY's List, an organization that recruits and trains women to run for office. And that was a record year. Since Election Day 2016, more than 34,000 women have reached out to Emily's List about launching a campaign." Hmmm... do you think times are a changing? Gail shares advice on how women can get involved in politics, about her lessons that she learned in her many years of politics, and why it's so important right now. She is particularly passionate about women running for governor and US Senator across the country, strongly believing that when women support women, women win. She co-founded Electing Women and the Electing Women Alliance to get women involved in raising money for women running for governor and US Senator across the country, strongly believing that when women support women, women win. I love Gail's perspective on our current political environment. The only way to be successful in politics, is to look for ways to be inclusive and find compromise and begin to listen to one another. There's too many people saying, 'it's my way or no way.' That's really scary. You can't solve problems with that. ~Gail Schoettler In 1976 Gail joined the organizational group which would file for a National Bank to be located in downtown Denver to serve the needs of small businesses.  After raising the $2 million capitalization required, in 1978, she helped found the Women’s Bank in Denver. She was also one of the founders of the Colorado Children's Museum. Let’s meet Gail Schoettler, a 2018 inductee to the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame! *** The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame mission is to inspire by celebrating and sharing the enduring contributions of Colorado’s distinctive women. To achieve this, the Hall educates the people of Colorado about the stories of the women who shaped our state and the nation’s history with courage, leadership, intelligence, compassion, and creativity. Their talents, skills, struggles, and contributions form a legacy that the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame is dedicated to protecting. I invite you to join us at the March 28, 2018 Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame 2018 Inductee Gala by purchasing your ticket here. Check out some of the other 2018 Inductee Hall of Famers: Leslie Foster – CEO and President of the Gathering Place – Listen Gerie Grimes – Early Childhood Education activist/Non Profit leader The Hope Center – Listen Susan J. Helms – Astronaut and  Lieutenant General of USAF – Listen Dorothy Horrell – Chancellor of the University of Colorado at Denver – Listen Faye Matsukage – Activist for Women and Asians in the Legal Profession – Listen Listen to other Colorado Women Hall of Fame inductee interviews from prior years.  

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