Tami Simon: Founder and CEO of Sounds True – 041
Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Tami Simon the Founder and CEO of Sounds True. Tami founded Sounds True at the age of 22 with the mission of disseminating spiritual wisdom. Sounds True started out as a project with Tami – and her tape recorder thirty years ago. Since that time, Sounds True has grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 80 employees, a library of more than 1500 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time. Tami has interviewed leading teachers such as Michael Bernard Beckwith, David Whyte, and Geneen Roth—delving deep into their beliefs, teachings, and personal experiences on their own journeys for many years. And like so many of the interviews I get to do on Extraordinary Women Radio, Tami’s interview divinely occurred at a time when I needed her flavor of wisdom most. This week, I posted a blog called “Yesterday I broke,” which described a difficult day earlier this week, but more important, the important life lesson that unfolded in the perils of that day. In that day, and in my reflections, I leaned back into the wisdom Tami shared in this interview. I practiced some of her teachings from her audio program Being True: What Matters Most in Work, Life, and Love, that I’d been listening to these past few weeks – in preparation for this interview. And yes, I did break on that day. My heart cracked wide open. And in the multitude of breaks in the perfect storm that occurred over the day, I remembered the practice of the pause, of slowing down, of writing. In that pause, I had a discovery. I learned an important thing: "That in the very cracking open of my heart, love filled in the crevasses." I was so grateful to have some of Tami’s practices so top of mind and heart these past few days. My hope is that the messages Tami shares in this interview are as divinely delivered to you, in perfect timing, as they were for me. To learn more about Tami and Sounds True, visit the Sounds True Web Site or download the Sounds True app and soak up all the beautiful spiritual wisdom disseminated here. Let’s meet Tami Simon of Sounds True.