Fay Matsukage : 2018 Inductee to the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame and Activist for Women and Asians in the Legal Profession – 037
Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Fay Matsukage, a 2018 Inductee to the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame and Activist for Women and Asians in the Legal Profession. Fay wakes up every day and looks at a sticky note in her mirror that she’s written to herself: "You have to be the change you want to see in the world.” And in fact, she often tells herself, "If not me - then who!?" Such an important question for each of us to ask ourselves when we declare that something needs to change in our world. Fay lives by this concept: Be the change we desire in the world! From the beginning of her career, Fay worked in a male‐dominated field as a woman of Asian descent and faced the daily challenge of proving herself as a professional and as an equal. She was inspired by these challenges to start charitable foundations that are so well funded to this day they provide annual scholarships and other charitable contributions to women and individuals of Asian descent. Fay is an accomplished attorney with a reputation for professionalism and integrity who has dedicated her life and career to furthering the interests of women and those of Asian Pacific descent. She is a founding member of the Colorado Asian Pacific American Bar Association, founder of the Colorado Asian Pacific Bar Foundation, and was instrumental in forming the Colorado Women’s Bar Association Foundation - all with a focus to promote gender and race equality through mentoring, granting scholarships, fighting discrimination, training and education. Today, Fay practices law at the Doida Law Group. She is one of the few female subject matter experts in securities law with her level of seniority and experience. Her civic engagement, humility, courage under adversity, work ethic, and her contributions to the Colorado community exemplify the values of the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame – and I’m honored to get to interview Fay today on Extraordinary Women Radio. Some key words of wisdom that Fay shares in this interview: "Sometimes we are led to difficult situations, because that is the only way we grow." "Don’t compare yourself to anyone else." Lets meet Fay Matsukage! *** The Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame mission is to inspire by celebrating and sharing the enduring contributions of Colorado’s distinctive women. To achieve this, the Hall educates the people of Colorado about the stories of the women who shaped our state and the nation’s history with courage, leadership, intelligence, compassion, and creativity. Their talents, skills, struggles, and contributions form a legacy that the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame is dedicated to protecting. I invite you to join us at the March 28, 2018 Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame 2018 Inductee Gala by purchasing your ticket here. Check out some of the other 2018 Inductee Hall of Famers: Gerie Grimes – Early Childhood Education activist/Non Profit leader The Hope Center – Listen Dorothy Horrell – Chancellor of the University of Colorado at Denver – Listen Leslie Foster – Non Profit Leader and Activist, President of The Gathering Place – Coming Soon Susan Helms – Military, Astronaut – Coming Soon Gail Schoettler – Banking, Government and Women’s Activist – Coming Soon Listen to other Colorado Women Hall of Fame inductee interviews from prior years.