Episode 6| Zarathustra Prologue General Discussion| Prophecy, Idolatry and A Way of Life
In the sixth episode of Dissecting Philosophy with Dr McDonald, he has a general discussion of the prologue section in Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The episode deals with various aspects of philosophy, its relation to prophets and soothsayers, philosophers as idols, seduction and herd mentality, and philosophy as a way of life. An example from Plato is used in order to highlight how philosophy diagnoses and analyses problems in the world. Epicurus' view of death is also briefly discussed in order to draw a comparison with Nietzsche's view where we must focus on living our lives in the present and not focused upon an afterlife. If you would like to follow along we are using the Penguin edition translated by R. J. Hollingdale.Feel free to send questions or comments to dissectingphilosophy@gmail.comFind Dr McDonald on Twitter: @iamarubbermanNew episodes every Monday.Support the podcast by visiting its Patreon where you can get exclusive benefits:https://www.patreon.com/DissectingphilosophyCredits: Podcast Intro and Outro Music - Arctic and Fir from the album Delicate Felt Piano by Chad Crouch that can be downloaded at https://soundofpicture.bandcamp.com/album/delicate-felt-pianoPodcast Logo - created using Canva https://www.canva.com Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/Dissectingphilosophy)