Episode 19: From Neuroscience to Improv, The Anti-Defamation League, and Psychopharmacology Feat. Claire Prosperi
In this episode, Claire and I talk about Second City, (Really Kevin? You're going to talk about Second City again? Yes, hater I am.) leaving medical school dreams behind to pursue comedy, and working for the Anti-Defamation League. We also briefly talk about Psychopharmacology and Aziz Ansari and Harvey Weinstein. Email me at thecosmicperspectivepod@gmail.com with questions and I will answer them on future episodes. My Podcast: Apple Podcast http://bit.ly/Cosmicperspective Google Play http://bit.ly/CosmicPerspectivePodGooglePlay Spotify: http://bit.ly/Thecosmicperspectivepodspotify Stitcher: http://bit.ly/thecosmicperspectivepodstitcher My Website: http://www.kevinsuniverse.com My Insta: http://bit.ly/cosmickevinsta My Facebook: http://bit.ly/cosmickevfb My Twitter: http://bit.ly/cosmickevtwitter The Cosmic Perspective Pod Social Media: Insta: http://bit.ly/thecosmicperspectivepodinsta Facebook: http://bit.ly/Thecosmicperspectivepodfb Twitter: http://bit.ly/thecosmicperpsectivepodtwitter