Ep 79 : "Folks"
Howdy, folks. Greetings to the living from the misty forests of northwestern Oregon. In this episode of Up Is Down we go back to roots of things and take a good look at the word "folks". How did the word "folks" become so popular within the political class, becoming a crutch and attempted bridge between the chasm of class distinction of servants and masters? Have you ever noticed the frequency with which the word "folks" has been used by the ruling class in an attempt to create the illusion of equality and reinforcing the collective hive mind amongst the lowly plebeians while softly insulating the aristocracy? That they are the same bread-and-butter, hard working, beer drinking servants as us? Or is there something more sinister and objective behind the word "folks", used as a signifier, an identifier, a double sided slippery whip that reminds us of our place and the reality of our indentured servitude in the American Experiment, Inc.Tune in to this episode of Up Is Down to hear all about the etymology, use and abuse of "folks" as a weapon of words, a pacifier of people and a trick of the treacherous.Relevant Links:https://www.uvm.edu/~jleonard/AGRI183/propoaganda.htmlhttps://www.dailywritingtips.com/folks-versus-people/http://www.louisianafolklife.org/LT/Articles_Essays/folk_is_not.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/21/magazine/folkwisdom.html?_r=0https://medium.com/matter/how-a-once-friendly-neighborly-word-folks-became-a-quiet-sort-of-insult-c54e05b6a069https://www.dictionary.com/browse/folkshttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/folkDebra Gets Red Pilled:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/debra-gets-red-pilled/id1529830406((((S U P P O R T THE S H O W))))https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USBitCoinCash BCH: qzgwfjeu5vp634h84zzurw8kdah5j3cuxg8daq6qrk. VALUE-FOR-VALUE: Consider the value you have for yourself as a free person with the ability to think for yourself. Next, consider the value you received from this production. Then consider the money value you'd place on that value and consider returning that value in the form of a donation to this production. You can decide for yourself what amount feels right for you. You don't need a PayPal account, just the generosity and will to support something you value and believe in. It all helps. This work is enjoyable but not easy, it takes time and costs money. Your support is needed and highly appreciated.https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USBitCoinCash BCH: qzgwfjeu5vp634h84zzurw8kdah5j3cuxg8daq6qrk. Follow me on them Twitters: @upisdownpodcastYou will never find me on Youtube, they'd shut me down instantly, and it's only a matter of time before the podcast platform and hosting services become as compromised as the mainstream media. I will never accept sponsorships that require me to try and sell you bullshit products you not only don't need, but likely cannot afford anyway. I believe that Value-For-Value is indeed the future of free speech and expression, as anything else has already proved itself to be more than compromised at all levels; you can actually just sit back and watch monetized platforms disintegrate each and every day. That cannot happen with Value-For-Value, because only YOU decide what's valuable and only YOU decide how that is determined and returned. Now that's power!Of course you can always listen (and donate) at:deanreiner.comS U B S C R I B ED O N A T ED O W N L O A DR E P O S TS H A R EC O M M E N TS U P P O R TS U P P O R TS U P P O R TR A T E / R E V I E WE M A I L upisdownpodcast@gmail.comdeanreiner.com for more arthttps://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_UST H A N K Y O U F O R L I S T E N I N G