Ep 56 Truthzilla Swapcast : Masks, Mandates and Mayhem!
Greetings to the living out there. This time I offer you a conversation with Truthzilla Podcast out of Eugene Oregon. We met through the Union Of The Unwanted and I'm happy to to present our conversation from the other day where we talk about The V, masks, our kids, the mind control, the media, and what we might be able to do with what we have. Truthzilla Podcast is a real deal DIY punk rock podcast that focuses on information analysis produced by some highly dedicated and passionate individuals on the journey of truth and reconciliation. It was an honor to speak with them so candidly and we get down to some nitty gritty on a few topics of utmost importance to us all.Thank you for tuning in and double thanks for your support.((((S U P P O R T THE S H O W))))https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USVALUE-FOR-VALUE: Consider the value you have for yourself as a free person with the ability to think for yourself. Next, consider the value you received from this production. Then consider the money value you'd place on that value and consider returning that value in the form of a donation to this production. You can decide for yourself what amount feels right for you. You don't need a PayPal account, just the generosity and will to support something you value and believe in. It all helps. This work is enjoyable but not easy, it takes time and costs money. Your support is needed and highly appreciated.https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USYou will never find me on Youtube, they'd shut me down instantly, and it's only a matter of time before the podcast platform and hosting services become as compromised as the mainstream media. I will never accept sponsorships that require me to try and sell you bullshit products you not only don't need, but likely cannot afford anyway. I believe that Value-For-Value is indeed the future of free speech and expression, as anything else has already proved itself to be more than compromised at all levels; you can actually just sit back and watch monetized platforms disintegrate each and every day. That cannot happen with Value-For-Value, because only YOU decide what's valuable and only YOU decide how that is determined and returned. Now that's power!Of course you can always listen (and donate) at:deanreiner.comS U B S C R I B ED O N A T ED O W N L O A DR E P O S TS H A R EC O M M E N TS U P P O R TS U P P O R TS U P P O R TR A T E / R E V I E WE M A I L upisdownpodcast@gmail.comdeanreiner.com for more arthttps://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_UST H A N K S F O R L I S T E N I N GThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of society, economics and social engineering. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.