Ep 46: Hostile Recovery : Coronavirus and the New Economic Policy with Dylan Ratigan
In this episode I present to you the award winning economist, journalist and author Dylan Ratigan, by way of the Jimmy Dore Show. Selected relevant clips of their ongoing weekly discussions (Corona Money Talk on the Jimmy Dore Show Podcast) of the ramifications and economic fallout as a result of the coronavirus and the lack of preparation and fatal solutions for what many believe to be a pandemic. It's maybe clear to those paying attention that the virus itself is now irrelevant. The reaction to the virus is the payload.It's almost funny that anymore the actual virus and sickness is but an afterthought in the cyclone of media about "opening up or remaining closed". Who knows if there even was a ravaging virus that was in line to kill supposed millions, or maybe just thousands, or maybe just the very old, or maybe just the very sick, when all we can talk about now is masks and who's a republican and who's a democrat.I know I certainly wouldn't want to be a governor right about now. Talk about pressure....Enjoy this montage and consider where you might be in all of this. Consider your job, if you still have one... consider where you live, do you pay a mortgage? Do you own a small business? What might looking for a new job or maybe buying a house look like in a couple years? And isn't it perfect that even if we could organize a revolt, a proper protest like they did in France or Hong Kong, the social distancing policies being enforced prevent anything of the sort from happening? You're own fellow fighters have been cowering in place for months now.... Pretty neat trick, huh?S H A R ED O W N L O A DR E P O S TC O M M E N TT H I N K(((S U P P O R T THE S H O W)))https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USdeanreiner.comJimmy Dore Show:https://jimmydorecomedy.com/the-jimmy-dore-show-podcast/Dylan Ratigan YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVve34yolHZwMf-609SPMNdh3EQ0asZUglobal complacency and economic reality (a great video/cast!)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HjcEW0MYNoThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of society, economics and social engineering. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.(((S U P P O R T THE S H O W)))/Users/deanreiner/Desktop/paypal.me:upisdown.webloc