Ep 35 Tracy Twyman: Targeted Individual of Electronic Harassment, Gang Stalking a Psychotronic Weapons
Tracy's Memorial GoFundMehttps://www.gofundme.com/f/tracy-twyman-headstone?utm_source=customerautm_medium=copy_linkautm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheetafbclid=IwAR1swpksR2RrTVcwi0B59wPcg0hWUnQh-z8pAS8yDezEkVYcFZs0GElg2BIYes Thats right. Today is the 7 month anniversary of the day Tracy Twyman's body was discovered dead of an apparent suicide in her Vancouver home. The same home she shared with her husband and son. Seven months ago, the story (and lack thereof) of her recent disappearance and inexplicable death struck a cord with me and I haven't been able to shake it. Frankly, I'm surprised so many people seem to have success with shaking it off and not talking about it, or her, at all.I've heard a few podcasters mention her over these months in not-so-flattering ways; highlighting out of context her past occult-ish activities, and leaving it there. Or chalking it up to "another occult researcher dies". Not even coloring in the real work she did for the so-called "truther community". Shameful. But in the world of Youtube personality-driven ego-journalism, you get what you ask for, I guess.So, as the title says, we're digging back into the final days of Tracy Twyman and taking another look at the electronic harassment, internet hacking and gang stalking that she endured the final year of her short life. Tracy's recently UPDATED Website:http://mysteriumbaphometis.comHeres the summary from the previous episode (#11)On July 10 the body of renowned occult and esoteric researcher and author Tracy Twyman was found dead of an apparent suicide in her home near Portland, Oregon. She was scheduled to appear as a guest on a popular talk radio show that night. Her death was sudden and inexplicable in that for over a year she had received numerous bizarre and threatening messages and visits from people she suspected as being involved in stopping her research into child sex trafficking networks, local and abroad, that used social media platforms such as Youtube and Facebook, among other technologies, in order to recruit and intimidate victims. She outlined these suspicions on various channels and pages of her website resulting in becoming the subject of surveillance and intimidation herself through these same technological platforms. She publicly stated she was certain that people were monitoring her every move, every moment of her life. That she was in a real life, real time Truman Show starring Tracy Twyman. That we all were, or could be, being monitored at all times by anyone. She felt she was losing her mind. She was afraid for her life and the safety of her child. She contacted the local FBI only to be turned away. Undeterred, she continued her work as best she could under the stress.Prior to her sudden death she released a private video detailing the most recent threats, although cryptic, to a select group of trusted people with the intention of public release if anything were to happen to her. It certainly appears that she knew her time was quickly running out. And then there were none, and she was gone. What really happened to Tracy Twyman? Some Info on Voice To Skull (V2K) psychotronic weapons tech:https://www.targetedevidence.com/voice-to-skull-v2k.htmlTracy's Original Website (what's left of it anyway) :http://plusultraclub.com/TRACY'S RECENTLY UPDATED WEBSTE:http://mysteriumbaphometis.comPLEASE CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO TRACY'S HEADSTONE MEMORIAL:https://www.gofundme.com/f/tracy-twyman-headstone?utm_source=customerautm_medium=copy_linkautm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheetafbclid=IwAR1swpksR2RrTVcwi0B59wPcg0hWUnQh-z8pAS8yDezEkVYcFZs0GElg2BIThis is the first of a multi-part series examining the phenomena of Gang Stalking, V2K (Voice to Skull) Psychotronic Weapons and Electronic Harassment in an effort to unravel the mystery of Tracy Twyman's final days and sudden death. I'll be republishing some of her recordings she produced in the Twyman Trips series of videos she published on Youtube before they are all disappeared as well. Please tune in to the next episode of Up Is Down for more information on this and other subjects.Please consider donating to the Tracy Twyman Memorial Fund:https://www.gofundme.com/f/tracy-twyman-headstone?utm_source=customerautm_medium=copy_linkautm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheetafbclid=IwAR1swpksR2RrTVcwi0B59wPcg0hWUnQh-z8pAS8yDezEkVYcFZs0GElg2BIPlease consider supporting this podcast and the work that I do.https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of society, economics and social engineering. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.