Ep 25 Sit Down a Shut Up Pt 2 : Public Education CULTure
As promised, this is the follow up episode to my examination of Compulsory Schooling first talked about in the previous episode of Up Is Down. In this one we get into the real brainwashing techniques and the dumbing down of our nation over the last century. Right off the bat I want to acknowledge the thousands of highly motivated, very talented and committed educators doing great things for our kids. They really don't get much of a fair shake. This is a serious note to listeners or critics:THIS TWO-PART SERIES IS NOT ABOUT DISPARAGING TEACHERS OR EDUCATION IN ITSELF.THESE EPISODES ARE ABSOLUTELY ABOUT USING THE LAWS OF THE STATE TO FORCE MANDATED, STATE SPONSORED COMPULSORY, INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATION UPON THE CITIZENS BY WAY OF THREAT, INTIMIDATION AND CHARACTER ASSASSINATION WITH THE EXPLICIT OBJECTIVE OF ELIMINATING FREE WILL AND CRITICAL THINKING. PERIOD. Please listen to the episodes with an open mind. Try to recount your own experiences in public school and consider what you've learned since, on your own, thinking for yourself. As always, thank you for listening and please consider donating to the show.https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_USI'll never monetize my art by trying to sell you garbage products you don't need by reading pathetic desperate ad copy into a mic. You'll never hear me talk about how you should use my "promo code" to buy socks, watches, mattresses, boner pills, wallets, website builders or food delivery boxes. Fuck that shit. I believe the future of media is VALUE-FOR-VALUE. Im still trying to build up my website deanreiner.com but it's looking pretty badass!Ive had some trouble with the blog and the host and blah blah blah, but please go there and check out more info on this episode and others as well as take a peek at some of my other art.Here's some links for the show topic: John Taylor Gatto: Against School http://adam.curry.com/art/1395510373_gj3YUFAx.htmlForced School Blog:https://www.forcedschool.comRockefeller Influence Timeline:http://adam.curry.com/art/1396739567_vDhVNyq3.htmlThanks Again For Listening! Support the Show Thanks For Listening!https://paypal.me/frankenbones?locale.x=en_US