The Podcast for Social Research, Special Minicast Episode
We've been podcasting for six years — from even before the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research's first class. Our podcasts have always covered a range of topics — from philosophy and literature, to science and technology, to politics and society — and is always socially engaged (and always features an interactive bibliography!). In creating a Patreon page, and by releasing episodes here, we invite greater listener involvement: with your generous support, we can achieve a long-standing goal of putting the Podcast for Social Research on a more regularized footing, with improved production values (we'll be able pay for engineering!) and regularly scheduled episodes. On the right, you'll find the various giving levels. Whether as a mere “Lumpen Disruptor” or a mighty “Venture Capitalist,” you'll play a crucial and much-appreciated role in strengthening the Brooklyn Institute and making the Podcast for Social Research a high-quality public intellectual resource. We’re incredibly proud that the Podcast for Social Research has been featured as a fascinating conversation, pedagogical resource, or crucial reference everywhere from the New York Times to the Barnard Library to 3quarksdaily. Regularly featuring Brooklyn Institute faculty members Rebecca Ariel Porte, Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Suzanne Schneider, Danya Glabau, Tony Alessandrini, Raphaele Chappe, and others, the podcast also plays host to occasional guests (past participants include Maria Svart (National Director, Democratic Socialists of America), Bhaskar Sunkara (Editor in Chief, Jacobin), David Albert (Professor of Physics, Columbia University), and Sarah Leonard (Senior Editor, The Nation)). With your help we’ll be able to create more critically informed and socially engaged podcasts, at a higher quality, and on a regular basis! To celebrate the launch of Podcast for Social Research Patreon, we'd also like to share a collection of some of our favorite episodes. Below you'll find riveting discussions of contemporary American politics, Trumpism and the prospects for socialism, Frantz Fanon and the uses of violence, Donna Haraway and the anthropocene, and the value of philosophy in a scientific age. Remember: with your generous support, we can make The Podcast for Social Research a more regular occurrence, increasing the number of episodes produced and helping strike a blow for a more substantive and intelligent public discourse.